1919 World War
Service Records, 1st Group - C
4. CAIN, ARTHUR B. Windsor, Ill. stayed at C. Logan until Jan.. Ft. Sheridan
caring for Private _ Batt. C. 5 Bn. Trench Art. Knl. in Coast Art. Corps at
Mattoon, Feb. 1, 1915; sent Jefferson Bks., Mo.; after one month's training
trf. Sandy Hook, X. J.; remained on coast until Sept. 19, 1918, then sent to
France; furloughed to Reg. Army Reserve April 8, 1919.
5. CALVERT, WM. R., JR. Private Westervelt, Ill. 416 Telegraph Bn.
Born Dec. 30, 1899, Westervelt; son Wm. R. and Margaret Calvert ;
telegrapher before enlistment, now carpenter; enl. May 30. 1918, Terre
Haute; army; assigned to Co. F, 6th Depot Bn., Ft. Leavenworth, Signal
Corps-; trained for buzzwe operator wireless, in training one month : sailed
from Hoboken July 15th; transport Themistocles, attacked July 30th by
submarines, sank three submarines: landed at Liverpool Aug. 1; under fire
but not in trenches: served as operator with 416th Telegraph Bn. ; returned
with Cas- ual Co. Xo. 4976 on U. S. S. Buford. Dis. June 24, 1919, C. Grant.
6. CAMFIELD, HARRY E. Sergeant Lakewood, Ill. Co. D. 123 M. G. Bn.
Born June 24, 1898, Findlay ; son Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Camfield; shipping
clerk; enl. March 26, 1917, Danville, in Co. I, 5th Ill. Inf.; trf. Dec. 12,
1918. to Co. D, 123 M. (i. Iln.: promoted to Cpl. Sept. 10, 1917; to Sgt.
May 21, 1918; trained as machine gunner C. Logan 13 months; sailed Hoboken
May 15th, transport Agamemnon; landed Brest, France, May 24, 1918; finished
training in British sector; went to trenches July 19, 1918, there about 80
days; at Amiens sector, Flanders front, Verdun front, Boise de Forges, Boise
de la Cote Lemont. Riaville, Marcheville, Meuse Argonne, Consonvoye. Boise
de Chume, Fresner, Bethencourt ; severely gassed Boise de la Cote Lrmont.
Oct. 5, 1918. Dis. C. Grant, May 30, 1919.
Bethany, Ill. Co. C, 130 Inf., 33 Div.
Served throughout war with Co. C, 130th Inf.. 33d Div. (old Sullivan
Militia); one of four sons in service of Thos. and Mary Campbell of Bethany
; re-enlisted in Regulars and was sent to a station in Texas in summer of
1919; brothers, Walter, Karl S. and Win, and one sister also in
Mode, Ill. 327th F. A., 84 Div.
Knl. Sept. 18, 1917, Shelbyville; assigned 327 F. A.; made Cpl. Oct. 4,
1917, Camp Taylor; son Mr. and Mrs. L. XI. Campbell, Mode; married Rose
Slifer Aug. 20, 1917; mail carrier; trained C. Taylor and West Point, Ky.,
16 mos. ; left X. V. Sept. 8, 1918 on "Orduna"; landed Liverpool Sept. 21,
1918; trained C. De Souge. Dis. C. Grant.
8. CAMPBELL, JOHN J. 1st Cl. Private Tower Hill Med. Dept. 16 F. A., 4 Div.
Born January 23, 1893, Tower Hill; son Wm. T. and Mary Campbell, Tower Hill;
farmer; enl. Jan. 17, 1918, Shelby- ville ; trained 4 .mos. C. Greenleaf and
C. Green ; sailed Hoboken, May 10, 1918; landed Brest; finished training
Camp De Souge; on firing line 106 days; battles Aisne- Marne, Toul, St.
Mihiel, Argonne. Dis. C. Grant Aug. 5, 1919.
9. CAMPBELL, WIN Bethany, Ill. Son Thomas and Mary Campbell, Bethany;
brothers Clar- ence, Earl and Walter in service, also one sister; re-
enlisted in regulars summer of 1919 and sent to station in Texas.
10. CAMPBELL, WALTER Private Bethany, Ill. Co. C, 130th Inf.. 33rd Div.
Born Nov. 8, 1898; son Thomas and Mary Campbell of Bethany; enl. July 2,
1914, Sullivan, in 130th Inf.: in training 18 months; in trenches from July
4. 1918, until armistice was signed ; at Battle of Verdun and Albert front;
gassed Nov. 8 at Verdun and in hospital. Dis. C. Custer Dec. 3. Brothers
Earl S., Clarence, and Win, and one sister were in service.
Page One Hundred Sixteen
Tower Hill, Ill. Co. H, 130th Inf.
Enlisted, Shelbyville, in Co. H, but was discharged before the outfit went
2. CARPENTER, WALTER S. Private Westervelt, Ill. Co. H, 10th Infantry
Born Sept. 21, 1895, near Westervelt; son Ira W. and Allie Carpenter of
Tower Hill; asst. cashier Farmers Na- tional Bank, Westervelt; enl. May 29,
1918, Shelbyville; sent Ft. Thomas, Ky. ; later assigned to Co. H, 10th
Inf., Ft. Harrison; trf. to Camp Custer ; in training 7J4 mos. Dis. C.
Custer Jan. 17, 1919.
3. CARPENTER, RAY W. Private Shelbyville, Ill. 34th Co., Coast Art. Corps
Born July 6, 1890, Beecher City ; son C. W. and Alice Carpenter of
Shelbyville; dairyman; enl. Sept. 5, 191JS, Shelbyville; sent Camp Custer;
five weeks later to Ft. Totten, N. Y. ; six days later to Camp Eustis;
assigned to 34 Co., C. A. C. ; trained for cannoneer. Dis. C. Eustis, Va.,
Jan. 17, 1919.
4. CARROLL, JOHN H. Private Findlay, Ill. Vet. Corps
Born luly 15, 1891, Emery, Ill.; son Thomas and Etta Carroll', Findlay;
farmer; enl. June 27, 1918. Shelbyville; sent C. Taylor; later assigned to
Vet. Tr. School, Camp Lee; in training three months; sailed from Norfolk,
Va., Oct. 13th; transport Koenig Wilhelm ; landed at Brest, France, Oct.
26th. Dis. C. Grant July 3, 1919.
5. CARROLL, LLOYD R. Private Shelbyville, Ill. Marines
Born July 1, 1899, Moweaqua, Ill.; son Mr. and Mrs. John D. Carroll,
Westervelt, Ill. ; enl. marine corps, St. Louis, June 16, 1917; went direct
to Paris Island; drilled there 4 mos. ; trf. Boston Navy Yards, guard duty 2
mos. ; sailed Battleship Nebraska, on it 4 mos. ; then to Ouan- tico, Va., 2
mos.; to Washington, D. C., orderly Admiral Benton, until dis. Jan. 10,
1919; in April re-enlisted for overseas duty, now stationed at Coblenz.
Brother Arthur died of pneumonia in France.
6. CARROLL, LAWRENCE LLOYD 1st Cl. Private Windsor, Ill. 14 Photo Sec. Air
Born Nov. 26, 1896, Lintner, Ill. ; son M. P. Carroll, Windsor; farmer; enl.
March 2, 1918, Mattoon ; assigned air service, truck driver; trained 15^
mos. Kelly Field, Tex.; sailed Hoboken, Aug. 30, 1918; landed Brest, Sept.
12; finished training St. Nazaire ; Meuse-Argonne front. Dis. C. Grant, June
11, 1919.
7. CARROLL, VERNE VIRGIL Corporal Windsor, Ill. F. R. S. 346 Q. M. C.
Born Sept. 27, 1893, Lintner, Ill.; son M. P. and Thera Carroll: farmer;
enl. June 27, 1918, Sullivan; assigned to 15th Artillery, Camp Taylor, Ky. ;
trf. Sept. 22, 1918, to F. R. S. 346' Q. M. C., Jacksonville, Fla. ; in
training 12 months 14 days; sailed Hoboken Oct. 27, 1918; transport S. S.
Orac; landed Liverpool, England, Nov. 8, 1918; finished training at Bordeaux
; in England, France, Italy and Germany ; promoted to Corporal, Lux, France,
Jan. 14, 1919. Dis. C. Grant, July 14, 1919.
8. CARTMELL, SAMUEL H. Private Tower Hill, Ill. 820th Aero Sqdn., Kelly
Born Tan. 29, 1894, son Tliomas and Margaret C'artmell ; farmer; enl. Oct.
6, 1917, rejected Oct. llth; 2d time enl. June 14, 1918, Shelbyville; sent
to Rahe school, Kansas City; in school 2 mos.; assigned to 82-0 Aero Sqdn.,
Kelly Field, till discharge; in hospital with blood poison 8 days; developed
leakage of heart while in service. Dis. Feb. 9, 1919, at Camp Pike, Ark.
9. CARTER, THOMAS HARVEY Private Bruce, Ill. Btry. D, 3rd Regt.
Born Oct. 22, 1892, Bruce, Ill.; son S. A. Carter; married Sept, 26, 1917,
to Ruby L. Dawdy, dau. J. C. Dawdy ; one son, Thomas H. Carter Jr., born
March 27, 1919; farmer; enl. June 14, 1918; sent to Rahe auto and tractor
school, Kansas City, Mo. ; made motor mechanic Nov. 12, 1918; transferred
Aug. 18, 1918, to Btry. D, 3rd Regt., Camp Taylor; in hospital, measles.
Dis. C. Taylor, Ky., Dec. 13, 1918.
10. CASSTEVENS, JAMES D. Private Fancher, Ill. 133rd Inf.
Enl. Sept. 20, 1917, at Marion, Iowa; farmer. Dis. Jan. 4, 1919, Camp Dodge,
Herrick, Ill. Co. II, 3d Bn., 22d Engineers
Enlisted June 24, 1918; sailed for France Aug. 22, 1918; served with C'o. H,
3d Bn., 22d Engineers; sent to hospi- tal with infected foot; returned to U.
S. July 12, 1919. Dis. C. Grant Aug. 1, 1919, as member of 22d Engineers.
Page One Hundred Seventeen
. CASSTEVENS, FRANK Chief Gunner's Mate
Kansas City, Mo. U. S. Navy
Born Jan. 1, 1887, Gays, Ill.; son Mrs. Anna Casstevens, Gays; married Dec.
3, 1912, to Florence R. Carl, dau. J. W. Carl ; clerk before enlistment, now
mariner. Kansas City, Mo. ; enl. June 14, 1907, St. Louis, Mo. ; navy ;
assigned to destroyers, went around the Morn with Fight- ing Hob Evans,
1907-1908; promoted Chief Gunner's Mate, March 9, 1919, highest rank in
enlisted branch; instructor Seaman Gunner's School at Torpedo Station,
Newport, R. I., May 1, 1918, to Jan. 17, 1919, instructing men in care and
handling torpedoes, mines, etc. ; given letter of recom- mendation, good
conduct meda!, Mexican campaign medal, recommended for Ensign June 2, 1917;
April 6, 1917, was on the U. S. S. Perry and helped take crew from German
ship Saxonia at Seattle, Wash. ; went to Atlantic through Panama Canal for
patrol duty until trf. Newport, R. I. Dis. Boston, June 4, 1919; reenlisted
Washington, June 6; now on recruiting duty, Kansas City.
Gays, Ill. U. S. Navy
Born July 31, 1884, Gays ; son Mrs. Anna Casstevens, Gays ; railroading
before enlistment ; enl. Det. 3, 1907, Denver, Colo.; assigned U. S. S.
South Dakota; promoted Boatswain at Hong Kong, China, Sept., 1917; was on U.
S. S. Helena when war was declared ; was trf. to the Tjtsondari. a Holland
ship, in Manila, in May, 1918, and sailed for New York via San Francisco and
Panama Canal ; made several trips to France during the war carrying pro-
visions over and troops back ; given expert rifleman's medal and good
conduct medal ; still in navy.
3. CECIL, DWIGHT L. 2d Lieut. Seymour, Ill. Veterinary Co. No. 1
Born Sept. 3, 1893, Stewardson, Ill.; son of Robert E. and Jennie H. Cecil,
Windsor ; veterinarian ; enl. Jan. 8, 1918, Terre Haute, Ind. ; assigned
Veterinary Co. No. 1, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. ; promoted rank of 2nd Lieut. Oct.
22, 1918. Dis. Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Fla., Feb. 19, 1919. Three brothers
in service.
4. CECIL, EUGENE 2d Lieut. Shelbyville, Ill. A. S. A.
Born Aug. 20, 1889, Stewardson, Ill.; son of Robert E. and lennie Cecil,
Windsor, Ill. ; locomotive fireman ; enl. Sept. 24, 1917, Chicago, HI.;
assigned U. S. School of Mil. Aeronautics, Urbana, Ill. ; commissioned 2nd
Lieut., Kelly Field; went overseas Oct. 17, 1918; transport Olym- pic;
returned to U. S. as casual. Dis. Feb. 23, 1919, C. Dix. Three brothers in
5. CECIL, IRL HICKS Private Champaign, Ill. 66 Ry. Engineers
Born June 22, 1891, Stewardson; son Robert E. Cecil, Windsor ; locomotive
fireman ; enl. May 20, 1918, Cham- paign ; assigned 66th Ry. Engineers ;
went overseas Tune 30, 1918, on Mongolia;" landed Brest July 13, 1918; re-
turned with 187 Casual Co. Dis. May 6, 1919, C. Grant. Three brothers in
6. CECIL, WILLIAM C. Private Windsor, Ill. 102 Balloon Co.
Born Feb. 27, 1897, Piatt Co., Ill.; son of Robert E. and Jennie Cecil,
Windsor; farmer; enl. Feb. 24, 1918, Mat- toon ; went overseas June 29,
1918, on S. S. America ; landed Brest July 13, 1918; returned to U. S. with
102 Balloon Co. Dis. May 20, 1919. C. Grant. Three broth- ers in service.
7. CHAPMAN, RUSSELL Newtonia, Mo.
8. CHERRY, THOS. E. Captain Cowden, Ill. Med Corps, 3 Div.
Born Nov. 7, 1871, Shelby Co.; son Geo. W. and Minerva Cherry, Herrick ;
doctor ; commissioned July 18, 1917 ; Base Hosp. 64, 79 Div. ; training one
year ; overseas on Belgic. Aug. 3, 1918 ; served in Base Hosp. 64, assistant
Chief -Surgical Service, Field Hosp. No. 91, with 79 at Vrnlun ; with 3 Div.
in Army of Occupation. Dis. in fall of 1919, from 3 Div.
9. CHRISTNER, DANIEL D. Private 1st Cl. Shelbyville, Ill. 336 Supply Co.
Enl. June 28, 1918, Shelbyville; assigned to 15th Bn., Hdq. Co., Field
Artillery; trans, to 336 Supply Co., Camp John- son, Fla. ; left there Oct.
8 for Hoboken ; sailed and landed in Liverpool Oct. 26 ; France Oct. 28 ; on
guar*! duty in intermediate section in France 2 wks., then to Brest, worked
in warehouse No. 2 as issuing clerk. Dis. Nov. 3, 1919, Camp Merritt, N. J.
10. CHRISTNER, JOE D. Private Shelbyville, Ill. Co. I. 139th Inf., 39th Div.
Born Dec. 8, 1895, Gosheii, Ind.; son David J. and Lavina Christnci,
Shelbyville, Ill.; farmer; enl. June 28, 1918, at Shelbyville ; army ;
assigned to Camp Taylor and trf. to Co. I, 139th Inf., 39th Div., Camp
Beauregard; in train- ing three weeks; sailed from Newport News July 2-0,
1918; landed at Brest Aug. 2, 1918 ; transferred to 6th Div. ; went to
trenches Oct. 7, 1918; in trenches until Nov. llth; at Garadma sector,
Meuse-Argonne offensive, Verdun, as machine gunner in 82nd Inf. ; particular
work, machine gunner; in hospital two weeks after armistice was signed. Dis.
C. Grant, June 6, 1919.
Page One Hundred Eighteen
1. CHRISTIE, EDWARD GUY Private Shelbyville, Ill. Hdq. Co., 15 Bn., F. A.
Born Sept. 2, 1890, Lake City, Ill. ; son Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christie;
farmer; enl. June 27, 1918, Shelbyville ; army; assigned to Hdq. Co. 15th
Bn. F. A., C. Taylor; in training 10 mos. 19 days; sailed from N. Y. Oct.
26, 1918; transport Lapland; landed at Liverpool, Eng., Nov. 9, 1918;
finished training at Camp Hunt; in hospital, in- fluenza, two weeks. Dis. C.
Grant, May 16, 1919.
2. CHRISTY, FLOYD ANCIL Private Cowden, Ill. 47 Inf., 4 Div.
Son J. H. Christy, Cowden; farmer; enl. Feb. 22, 1918, Shelbyville; army;
assigned to 18 Co., 4 Bn., 159 D. I!., Camp Taylor ; trf. to 47 Inf., 4 Div.
: sailed from Hoboken May 10, 1918; transport Princess Matoka; landed at
Brest May 23, 1918; in trenches 26 days; at Chateau Thierry, Marne, Vesle,
Ourcq ; gassed Aug. 12th; outfit cited; in hospital ; Sept. 22 sent to Blois
as prisoner escore Co. 40 ; returned to 47th Jan. 10, Debruck, Germany. Dis.
C. Grant, Aug. 4, 1919.
3. CIHAK, WILLIS Corporal
Cowden, Ill. 5th Regt., Marines, 2d Div.
Born Dec. 23, 1889; son John Cihak ; enl. April 1, 1918, in marines;
assigned to 21st Co., Marine Barracks, Paris Island, S. C.; trf. to
Quantico, Va., June 27; Sept. 10, trf. to 5th Regt. 2nd Div.; promoted to
Cpl., Aug. 21, 1918; sailed on U. S. S. Henderson from Phila., Aug. 12,
1918; landed Brest; in trenches 3 months; at St. Mihiel, Meuse Argonne,
Champagne, Mont Blanc, March to the lihille. Army of Occupation ; personal
citation and Croix de Guerre ; regiment also awarded citation and Croix de
Guerre. Dis. at Quantico, Aug. 13, 1919.
4. CLARK, HORACE JOHN Sergeant Moweaqua, Ill. Medical Corps
Born April 15, 1895, Moweaqua; son John Clark; student before enl.; enl.
Jan. 26, 1918, Shelbyville; assigned to medical corps attached to Air
Service, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. ; trf. to Kelly Field, Texas, Feb. 8, 1918:
trf. to Eberts Field, Ark., April 10, 1918; trf. to Post Field. Ft. Sill,
Okla., May 19, 1918; promoted to Sergeant Aug. 1, 1919, Ft. Sill, Okla. ;
still in army.
5. CLARK, ROY 1st Cl. Private Moweaqua, Ill. Co. C, 355 Inf., 89 Div.
Son Mrs. G. R. Bridgeman; enl. April 26, 1918, White Lake, S. D.; assigned
to Co. C, 355 Inf., 89th Div., Camp Funston ; trained 3 mos.; sailed from X.
Y., June 4th; transport Adriatic; landed Liverpool June 16th; in trenches 90
days; at St. Mihiel and Argonne; machine gun bullet in left shoulder Nov. 4
at Argonne Forest, in hospital. Dis. C. Grant April 15, 1919.
6. CLARK, ROSCOE T. Private Herrick, Ill. Headquarters Co., 308 F. A.
Born April 27, 1891, Moweaqua, Ill.; asst. cashier State Bank of Herrick,
Ill., before enlistment; enl. April 30, 1918, Shelbyville, Ill.; army;
assigned to Headquarters Co. 308 F. A. 78th Div., Camp Dix, X. J.; in
training 4 weeks; sailed from Xew York May 27th, 1918; transport Cedric ;
landed at Liverpool, June 8, 1918; trained at Camp De Meucon, went to the
front in August, 1918; entered hospital Sept. 3, 1918, appendicitis;
returned with St. Aig- nan Casual Co. 1436. Dis. C. Grant, April 5, 1919.
7. CLAWSON, CALVIN CLYDE Sergeant Cook Windsor, Ill. Replacement Co. 39, 10
Born Sept. 4, 1890, Stewardson ; son C. and Capola Claw- son; wife deceased;
one dau., Lela Elizabeth, born Jan. 23, 1908; enl. May 28, 1918, Effingham ;
assigne:! to Replace- ment Co. 39, iO Replacement Regt. ; promoted to
Instruc- tor Cook; went to cooks and bakers school; in training nine months.
Dis. account of nervous breakdown Jan. 28, 1919.
8. CLAY, ERNEST P. Private Shelbyville, Ill. Photographic Div., Aviation
Born July 31, 1892, Dalton City ; son W. S. and Ethel R. Clay; photographer;
enl. Dec. 11, 1917, Mattoon ; assigned to Photographic Div., Aviation, Camp
Grant; trf. to Ft. Worth March 28, 1918, and back to Grant Feb. 8, 1919; in
training 14 months. Dis. C. Grant, Feb. 15, 1919.
9. CLOSSER, DANIEL W. Private Tower Hill, Ill. Co. D. 10th Inf.
Enl. July 18, 1918, Mattoon; sent to Jefferson Bks. ; from there to Custer ;
assigned to Co. D, 10 Inf.; in service 6 mos. Dis. Custer, Jan. 18, 1919.
10. COBURN, DALLAS D. Private Moweaqua, Ill. Co. H, 22nd Engrs.
Enl. June 24, 1918, Vandalia; army; assigned to Co. H, 22nd Engrs. ; in
training six weeks; sailed from Montreal, Aug. 20, 1918, transport Valacia ;
returned after 13 days out and re-shipped on Port Lincoln : landed at
Liverpool Sept. 16, 1918; detailed close to St. Mihiel front; in hos- pital.
Dis. C. Grant July 20, 1919.
Page One Hundred Nineteen
1. COCAGNE, JOSEPH ISADORE Private Assumption, Ill. Battery F, 2 Keg., F. A.
R. D.
Born July 18, 1895; son E. J. Cocagne ; farmer; enl. Tune 28, 1919,
Shelbyville; assigned 53rd Co., 159 I). I!., Camp Taylor; trf. 17 Co., 159
D. Ii., with rank o( Cpl. ; trf. to Battery F, 2 Reg. F. A. R. I)., rank of
private; in train- ing- nearly six months for truck driver in light
artillery. His. Dec. 17, 1918.
2. COFFMAX, OTHIE E. Private Westervelt, HI. Spruce Oiv., A. S. O. P.
Born Sept. 4, 1895, Shelby Co. ; son Mrs. W. E. Coffman, Westervelt; farmer;
June 23, 1918, entered limited service; assigned to Spruce Div. A. S. O. P.,
Spruce Mill at Ban- don. Ore.; discharged Vancouver Barracks Dec. 12, 1918;
served entire time in gathering spruce for airplanes.
3. COHOON, EARL E. Private Lakewood, Ill. Co. D, 37th Regt.
Born 1893, Lakewood; son Mr. and Mrs. James Cohoon ; miner; enl. Shelbyville
and sent to Jeff Bks., May 23, 1918; in training 13 mos.; border service at
Ft. Mclntosh, Tex., until discharge in Aug., 1919.
4. COLE, WALTER LUTHER Yeoman Westervelt, Ill. U. S. Xavy
Born Oct. 6, 1888, Redfield, S. Dak.; stenographer; enl. July 5, 1917,
Peoria ; navy; enl. as second class seaman, but changed on June 1, 1918, to
Yeoman third class, and six months later was promoted to yeoman second
class; sailed Aug. 1 on transport Kittery from Phila. to Virgin Island;
landed at St. Thomas about middle of Aug.; at St. Thomas, St. Croix, San
Domingo and Cuba. l)is. at Great Lakes, Sept. 15, 1919.
5. COLLINS, JAMES W. Private Springfield, Ill. Co., 4th Inf.
Born May 28, 1895, St. Francisville, Ill.; son W. W. Collins, Springfield;
barber; enl. May 1, 1917, Windsor, in Coast Artillery ; was trf. to Co. I,
4th Inf. ; in training one year at Fort Wright, N. Y., Gettysburg, Pa.,
Charles- ton, S. C., Xewport News, Va. ; sailed from Newport Xews July,
1918; transport Great Northern; landed Brest May 3. 1918; at Marne, Verdun,
St. Mihiel, 2nd Battle of the Marne, Chateau Thierry; wounded in foot, Xov.
7, 1918, in battle of Verdun, in hospital; 3J*2 months later re- turned to
outfit and sent on to Germany ; given one sharp- shooter medal.
6. COMBS, CLAUDE E. 1st Cl. Sergeant Findlay, Ill. 127 Engineers, Co. A.
Son .Ur. and Mrs. E. S. Combs; born Oct. 15, 1896; enl. May 29, 1918, at St.
Louis; army; assigned to 127 Enijrs. ; in training five mos.; sailed from X.
Y. Oct. 20, 1918; transport Wegantic; landed at Liverpool Oct. 31, 1918; at
C'amp Angers, France; made Sgt. 1st cl., April 1, 1919. Lis. C. Taylor July
25, 1919.
7. COMMERFERD, WILLIAM Private Pana, Ill. Co. H, 133 Inf., 33 Div.
Served with Co. H throughout service ; sent C. Logan Oct. 9, 1917; sailed
May 15, 1918; returned U. S. May 22, 1919. Dis. C. Grant in June, 1919.
8. CONNOR, FRED Sergeant Beason, Ill. Q. M. C.
Born March 13, 1890; son Wm. and Elizabeth Connor; enl. Aug. 16, 1916, Ft.
Sheridan; assigned Co. H, 4th Ill. N. G.; trf. to 6th A. C. Hdq., Feb. 1,
1919; was in the same patrol with Roy Vanderpool when wounded and helped to
rescue him and carry him back to lines ; was male Cpl. Aug. 1917, and Sgt"
Aug. 1918; Q. M. Sgt., Feb. 1, 1919; sailed from Hoboken May 16, 1918;
trans- port Agamemnon; landed at Brest May 24, 1918; in trenches from July
20-Xov. 1 1 ; at Albert, Amiens, Verdun, Meuse Argonne, St. Mihiel, Troyon
sector, Marcheville; dis. C. Grant Tune 6, 1919. Served with Co. H on
border, 1916-1917; mustered out Ft. Sheridan, March 15, 1917; called back in
service July 25, 1917, and served with Co. H until Feb. 1, 1919.
9. CONNOR, OSCAR Private Clarksburg, Ill. Co. L, 22nd Eng.
Born Jan. 25, 1894, Pulaski Co.; son Jas. A. and Ella Connor; farmer; enl.
June 27, 1918, Shelbyville, Ill.; army; assigned to Co. L, 22nd Eng., Camp
Taylor; trf. to Ft. Harrison; trf. to Merritt; in training two months;
sailed from Xew York Sept. 1, 1918; landed at Bordeaux Sept. 14, 1918; in
training north of Toul ; at Tour front; in hospital, mumps, measles and push
car accident; became a casual but later trf. back to original outfit. Dis.
C. Tay- lor July 3, 1919.
10. CONRAD, RALPH E. Private
Cowden, Ill. Co. H, 130 Inf., 33 Div.
Son Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Conrad; Oct. 25. 1916, enl. in Co. H, 4th Ill. Xat.
Guards, later made Co. 130 Inf., 33 Div. ; trf. to Hq. Co. 13-9 Inf.; sailed
Hoboken May 16, 1918; transport Agamemnon; landed Brest May 26, 1918; at
Meuse Argonne, Mt. Donninous Gercourt, Boise De Chame, Somme, Amiens, Albert
sector,- with English at Verdun, Morlancourt; in hospital, pneumonia. Dis C.
Grant May 31, 1919.
Pana, Ill. Co. D, 3d Sup. Train
Born April 27, 1890; son A. J. Culberson; farmer; enl.Oct. 15, 1917, Jeff.
Bks.; assigned Co. D, 3d Sup. Tr.;made Cpl. in France and Sgt. in Germany;
sailed April 19,1918; landed Brest April 28; in trenches 5 mos.; at
ChateauThierry, St. Mihiel, Argonne-Meuse off., Army of Occupation; 13
drivers in Co. decorated by Div. Com. Dis. C. Grant, Sept. 5, 1919.
Page One Hundred Twenty
1. CORDRAY, GUY Private Shelbyville, Ill. Co. H, 130th Inf., 33rd Div.
Born Dec. 1, 1894, Shelbyville, Ill.; son Noble and Susa Cordray, Findlay,
Ill.; carpenter; enl. June 5, 1917, Na- tional Guard; assigned to Co. H, 130
Inf., 33 Div.; in training 11 months 15 days; sailed from Hoboken May 6,
1918; transport Agamemnon; landed at Brest May 24. 1918'. went to trenches
Aug. 11, 1918, and remained until armistice was signed; at Argonne, St.
Mi.hiel, Somme, Meuse Argonne; in hospital. Dis. C. Grant May 31, 1919.
2. CORLEY, JOHN SUTTON Corporal Herrick, Ill. Co. C 5th Field Signal Bn.,
3rd Div.
Born March 11, 1887, Herrick; son Mrs. W. F. Corley ; enl. Aug. 13. 1917,
Wichita, Kans. ; assigned Co. C 5th Field Signal Battalion, 3d regular army
division ; promoted to Cpl. July 16, 1919, in Germany; in training at Fort
Leavenworth, Kans., from Sept. 1917, to Feb. 1918; sailed Hoboken Feb. 27,
1918; transport Agamemnon; landed Brest March 11, 1918; at Aisiie Def.,
Chateau Thierry, C'hampagne-.Marne, Aistie-Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Ar-
gonne, Army of Occupation ; operator and lineman in sig- nal corps. Dis. C.
Dodge Aug. 31, 1919.
3. COSART, ERNEST B. Private 1st Cl. Cowden. Ill. Co. D, 102 M. G. Bn.
Knl. Shelbyville, May 27, 1918 ; sent Camp Shelby ; landed in France early
in October, 1918, and assigned to 102d Machine Gunners; returned April 17,
1919, to States and honorably discharged at C. Grant April 28, 1919.
4. COULTAS, JESSE W. Private Moweaqua, Ill 53rd Co., 14 Bn., 159 D. Brig.
Was inducted in the military service of. the United States on the 28th day
of June, 1918; assigned to 53rd Co., 159th Depot Brigade, Camp Zachary
Taylor, Ky. Dis. Dec. 21st.
5. COURTRIGHT, HARRY Coast Defense Master Shelbyville, Ill. Gunner, Sandy
Hook, X. I.
Born Feb. 11, 1887, Shelbyville; son Mrs. Maggie Court- right: city letter
carrier; enl. Nov. 16, 1917, Mattoon, in Coast Artillery, Sandy Hook, N. J.
; promoted to Regi- mental Master Gunner, Jan. 11, 1918, to First Class Gun-
ner Feb. 10, to Sergeant Feb. 19, 1918; served as instruc- tor in
mathematics in Y. M. C. A. at Fort Hancock for six months; in hospital,
influenza. Dis. Ft. Hancock, Sandy Hook, N. J., Dec. 11, 1918.
6. COURTRIGHT, VANCE Captain Co. H and Co. Shelbyville, Ill. D, 130th Inf.,
& Postal Exp. Serv.
Postal employee, Shelbyville ; wife, Charity Wilson Court- right ; pvt.,
14th Regt., Ohio Nat. Guard, 1894-97 ; Sgt. and Color Sgt., 4th Regt., Ill.
Nat. Guard, 1903-05; 1st Lieut., Co. H, 4th Ill. N. G., 1905-11 ; 2d Lieut.,
Bn. Q. M. and Commissary 4th I. N. C.., 1911-12; 1st Lieut., Bn. Adjt.. 4th
I. N. G., 1912-17; Mexican border service, June 19, 1916-Mar. 15, 1917, as
part of 12th Div., Capt. Co. H, Apr. 20, 1917-Jan., 1917; trf. to Co. D,
130th Inf., Ian. 1, 1918; served to Aug. 23, 1918, with 33 Div. on Somme
defensive, Amiens and part of Somme offensive ; trf. Postal Exp. Service,
and assigned to duty at Gievres, France, in charge A. P. (). Nos. 713 and
713A; charge of registry div. Central Post Office, A. P. O. 902, Bourges,
France, Mar. 1-31, 1919; assigned as C. O. Special Casual Co. 4259, arriving
in U. S. Sept. 10, 1919. Honorably dis- charged Sept. 12, 1919.
7. COX, ARTHUR C. Corporal Shelbyville, Ill. 301 Clothing Unit, 91st Div.
Born Jan. 27, 1897, Shelbyville, student; son Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cox.
Shelbyville; enl. May 29, 1918, St. Louis; sent Jefferson Bks. ; trf. C.
Joseph E. Johnston, Fla. ; assigned 331 Unit, 91 Div. ; made Cpl. at C.
Johnston ; trained 2 mos. ; sailed Newport News, Aug. 15, 1918, on
"Patricia"; under fire 25 days; active service at St. Mihiel, Argonne,
Hindenburg line; trf. in Belgium, was on detached service with Co. A, 316
Amm. Tr. Dis. C. Grant May 2, 1919.
8. COX, JACK Private Shelbyville, Ill. 137 F. A., 63 Brigade, 38 Div.
Enl. May 27, 1918, Hillsboro ; assigned 137 F. A., 38 Div.; sailed Oct. 6,
1918. Dis. Jan. 17, 1919.
9. COX, LESLIE EMERSON Cook Decatur, Ill. Hdq. Det. 63rd Field A. B.
Born June 26, 1890, Moweaqua; son Geo. E. Cox; cook; called into service May
27, 1918, Shelbyville; assigned Hqs. Detachment 63rd Field Artillery
Brigade, Camp Shel- by, Miss.; promoted to 1st class private in Nov.; to
cook in Dec.; sailed Hoboken, N. J., Oct. 6, 1918; transport Emjiress of
Britain; landed Liverpool, England, Oct. 17, 1918; had just gone into
training at Camp De Mencon, France, when armistice was signed: sailed Dec.
17, 1918; landed X. Y. Dec. 24, 1918. Dis. Ft. Harrison, Ind., Jan. 18,
10. CROW, ALFRED Farrier Oconee, Ill. 5th Vet. Replacement Unit.
Farmer: son Tames Crow, formerly of Oconee; enl. June 27, 1918. Shelbyville;
sent to Camp Taylor, 53rd Co. 159th D. B. : trf. in July to Camp Lee, Va.,
8th Co. Vet. Train- ing School; Aug. 17 trf. 13th Vet. Hosp. Unit; taken
sick with influenza and thus prevented from going across; trf. after leaving
hospital to 5th Vet. Repl. Unit ; sent to Camp Merritt early in Xov. ;
armistice signed before unit sailed. Dis. Jan. 17, 1919, C. Taylor.
Page One Hundred Twenty-One
1. CRESS, GUSTAV H. Corporal
Strasburg, Ill. Co. M, 119 Inf., 30 Div.
Born April 17, 1894, Strasburg, Ill.; son of John Cress Sr. ; farmer: enl.
Feb. 22, 1918; army; assigned to !8th Co., S4th Div., Camp Taylor; trf.
March 21, 1918. to Sevier, to 30th Div., Co. M, 119th Inf.; promoted to Cpl.
Oct. 15, 1918; sailed from Boston May 12, 1918; transport Loam- adon ; ship
ran into transport in English Channel : landed at Calais, France, May 28,
1919; in trenches about six weeks; at Ypres, Bellecourt. Dis. C. Grant April
14, 1919.
2. CRESS, ROBERT Private
Strasburg, fll. 9 Amm. Trait,
Born lulv 5, 1892; son Mr. and Mrs. John Cress; married I.ydia Fullride Apr.
20, 1919; farmer; enl. June 27, 1918, Shelbyville ; sent to 53d Co., Camp
Taylor and assigned to 9th Amm. Tr. at McClellan Sept. 17th; in training 7
'/i mos. His. C. Grant Feb. 13, 1919.
3. CROUCH, LESTER V. Sergeant
Findlay, Ill. Co. C, 130 Inf., 33 Div.
Born March 26, 1894; enl. July 27, 1917. Sullivan, in Co. C, 130 Inf., 33
Div.; made Cpl., Sullivan, Aug., 1917, Sgt. in France, June 24, 1918;
trained 9 mos. at Camp Logan; sailed from X. Y., May 16, 1917; landed May
24, 1^17, Brest: at Verdun, St. Mihiel, Chippilly Ridge. Meuse Argonne,
Ilamel and other outpost fights; gassed at Meuse, in hospital 60 days; honor
guard for Gen. Persh- ing. His. C. Grant.
4. CROUCH, STANLEY F. Findlay, Ill. Sergeant Co. C, 130th Inf., 33 Div.
Born Sept. 3, 1895, Willisburg, Ky. : son J. II. Crouch; carpenter; enl.
June 3, 1917, in Co. C, 4th Inf.; outfit af- terwards made C'o. C, 130th
Inf.: promoted to Cpl. at Sullivan, to Sgt. at Houston, Texas, Oct. 5, 1917:
in training one year; sailed May 16, 1918, from New York ; transport
Agamemnon: landed at Brest May 24, 1918; in trenches 3 mos. with British,
French and American armies; at Albert. Argonne, Meuse, Ilamel. Troyon :
outfit was awarded 118 American medals, 32 British, 47 French, 1 Belgian.
Dis. C. Grant, May 31, 1919.
5. CRUITT, JAMES Shelbyville, Ill. Wagoner
Supply Co., 130 Inf., 33 Div. Born Aug. 1, 1894, Duval ; farmer; enl. May
31, 1917, Shelbyville, in 130th Inf., 33rd Div.; trained at Camp Logan; in
training 10 months; sailed from X. Y. May 16th; landed at Brest May 24.
1918: with outfit in all engagements; particular work, mechanic; in
hospital, con- tused hand. Dis. C. Grant, May 30, 1919.
6. CULBERSON, D. R. Private Pana, Ill. Co. H, 22nd Engineers
Enl. June 26, 1918, Taylorville, Ill.; farmer; sailed from T. S., Aug. 22,
1918; returned July 12, 1919. Dis. C. Grant July 21, 1919.
Shelbyville, Ill. Bat. D, 327 F. A.. 84 Div.
Born Jan. 6. 1892; son Mrs. Alice M. Culberson. Shelby- ville; married Ruby
Winson Feb. 14, 1919; farmer; enl. Oct. 3, 1917, Shelbyville; assigned Bat.
D, 327 F. A.. X-tth Div., Camp Taylor, Ky. Dis. Xov. 6, 1917, on ac- count
of weak lungs.
8. CURRY, BRUCE Corporal
Strasburg, Ill. First Corps Artillery Park.
Born July 23, 1889, Windsor; son Silas C. and Mattie F. Curry. Strasburg;
clerk; enl. Dec. 15, 1917, Jefferson Bar- racks, Mo.: assigned First Corps
Artillery Park; made cpl. April 1, 1918; trained Camp Jackson, S. C. 4
months; sailed Hoboken May 22, 1918; transport Great Northern; landed Brest
May 31, 1918; at Aisne-Marne offensive, Oise-Aisne offensive, Chateau
Thierry sector, Verdun sec- tor, Meuse-Argonne offensive, Army of
Occupation; truck driver. Dis. Camp Grant, Aug. 11, 1919.
9. CURRY, HAROLD N. Private
Gays, Ill. 47th Art. C. A. C.
Enl. at Mattoon May 30, 1918; assigned to 47th Art. C. A. C. ; in service at
Ft. Caswell, X. C., and Eustis Va. ; went to France Oct. 1, 1918. Dis. at C.
Grant, March J7, 1919.
10. CURRY, LESTER O. Private.
Assumption, Ill. Co. M. 160 D. B.
Born April 3, 1890, Macon, Ga. ; son Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Curry: enl. Sept. 4,
1918; sent Camp Custer : assigned Co. M. 160 Depot Br. ; in training SVi
mos.: in hospital 2 weeks. Dis. Dec. 10, 1918; Camp Custer, Mich.
Page One Hundred Twenty-Two
1. CURRY, ODA E. Corporal Gays, Ill. Battery F. 327 F. A.
Born Oct. 6, 1887, Gays; son D. S. Curry; May 19, 1916, married Mayme A.
Wetherell, dau. of Chas. Wetherell ; enl. Sept. 18, 1917, Sullivan; assigned
Btry F. 327 F. A.; in training at C. Taylor and West Point 18 mos. ; made
cpl. July 6, 1918; sailed Hoboken Sept. 9, 1918, transport Orduna : landed
Liverpool Sept. 21, at Camp De Souge, France. Dis. at C. Grant Feb. 20,
1919. Twin brother died in France.
2. CUSHMAN, WALTER A. Corporal Mode, Ill. Hdq. Co., 119th Inf. 30th Div.
Born Sept. 4, 1895, Mode; son Lyman A. Cushman ; rail- road brakeman; enl.
Feb. 22, 1918; sent C. Taylor; trf. Camp Sevier, S. C. ; assigned Hdq. Co.
119th Inf. 30th Div. as 1 pound gunner; sailed from Philadelphia, trans-
port Calcutta, June 28, landing Winchester, Eng., July 17; in trenches 3
months, at Ypres, St. Quentin, Vormee- sel, major operations of Somme,
Hellicourt, Prement, Vu- signy, Escafut, St. Benin, St. Souplet,
Ribeauville. Ma- zengheim ; mustard gas burns St. Souplet, Oct. 17; in
hospital 2 mos. ; returned to outfit as ammunition car- rier ; made corporal
Feb. 4, 1919, Beaumont, France. Dis. Camp Grant, April 14, 1919.
3. CUTLER, PHILIP LESTER Sergeant Shelbyville, Ill. Guard and Fire Co.
Born July 2, 1884, Shelbyville; son Mrs. Julia Cutler; married July 3, 1918,
to Pearl Kircher, dau. Louis and Elizabeth Kircher ; tailor before
enlistment, now grocer ; enl. July 30, 1918. Shelbyville; assigned Syracuse
Rect. Camp, N. Y. to Guard and Fire Co., Q. M. C. at Camp Merritt; made Mess
Sgt. Oct. 28, 1918; in training 5 months; was member of Co. H. on border in
1916. Dis. at Camp Grant Jan. 4, 1919.