1919 World War
Service Records, 1st Group - K
Oconee, Ill., Q. M. C. Utilities
Born March 18, 1894, Oconee; son Henry Kaiser, Oconee; i-nl. lime 28, 1918,
Shelbyville ; assigned p. M. C. Utilities, C. Taylor. Dis. C. Taylor,
March 7, 1919.
Shelhyville, Ill. D. Batt. 149 F. A. Rainbow Div.
Born Dec. 29, 1896, Shelhyville; salesman; son Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kelley,
Shelbyville; enl. Apr. 7, 1917. Chi- cago; assigned 149 F. A., formerly 1st
Ill., F. A.; trained 5 mos. Ft. Sheridan; sailed Hohoken Oct. 18, 1917, on
U. S. S. Pres. Lincoln; landed St. Xazaire ; under fire 3 mos. ; active
service Luneville and Baccarat sectors ; Rain- how Div. cited in many French
and American general or- ders; returned with Casual Det. 85 Div. Dis. C.
Grant. Apr. 23, 1919. Detailed on special duty as instructor of tiring of 75
M. M. gun at Camp de Cottquidan, France. One brother in service.
Corporal Gas. Def. Chem. War. Ser.
Shelbyville, Ill. Born July 27, 1887, Shelbyville; lawyer; son Mr. and Mrs.
W. C." Kelley, Shelhyville; enl. July 31, 1918, Shelbyville; assigned Gas
Defense Plant, Chemical Warfare Service, Long Island; promoted Corp. Nov. 1,
1918; trained 1' mo. at Syracuse Recruiting Camp, X. Y . ; Lakehurst Proving
Ground, .\". J. Dis. C. Grant, Jan. 27, 1919.
5. KELLY, TIMOTHY MILTON Sergeant Findlay, Ill. Engineers
Born Dec. 6, 1882, Findlay; carpenter; son Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kelly, Findlay
; married Ruth Frazier, Sept. 3, 1903; seven children; enl. June 19, 1918,
Chicago; as- signed Engrs. Camp Humphreys, Va. ; promoted Sgt. C. Humphreys,
July 18, 1918; trained 6 mos. Dis. C. Tay- lor, Dec. "23, 19i8.
6. KELLER, VICTOR Corporal Stewardson, Ill. Co. H, 130 Inf. 33 Div.
Born Sept. 26, 1896, Stewardson; farmer; son Jacob Keller, Stewardson; enl.
Aug. 13, 1917, Shelbyville; in Co. H. ; trfd. Supply Co. 130 Inf. C. Logan,
Tex.; trained 9 mos.; promoted Wagoner and Cpl. ; sailed N. Y. May
16, 1918, on Agamemnon ; active service Albert Front, Verdun, Meuse-Argonne,
Boise de Forbes, Trovon Sur Meuse. Dis. C. Grant, May 31, 1919.
7. KENS1L, John T. Ic. Private Shelbyville," Ill. Batt. A, 103 F. A., 26
Born March 27, 1895, Shelbyville; farmer; son Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kensil,
Shelbyville; married Edith Luke, Feb.
17, 1918; enl. June 14, 1918, Shelbyville; assigned Rahe Motor School,
Kansas C. Mo.; trained 4 mos.; sailed Ho- boken Oct. 26, 1918, on Teiresias
; broke down and drifted 3 days and nights; assigned to Batt. A, 103 F. A..
26 Div. Dis. C. Grant, Apr. 26, 1918.
8. KIMMEL, CLARENCE ELMER Corporal Shelhyville, Ill. 17 Co. 159 D. B.
Born Nov. 2, 1895, Shelbyville; farmer; son Samuel Kimmel, Shelbyville ;
enl. lune 28, Shelbyville ; assigned 53 Co. 14 Bn. "159 D. B.; trfd 17 Co.
159 D. B., C. Tay- lor; promoted Cpl. Aug. 2, 1918; trained 5^ mos. at C.
Taylor. Dis. C. Taylor Dec. 5, 1918. Previously served with Co. II on
Mexican border.
9. KINDEL, HARLAN Mess Sgt. Strasburg, Ill. 76 F. A.
Born Jan. 15, 1887, Clarksville ; son Mr. and Mrs. Tip- ton Kindel,
Strasburg; enl. Apr. 30, 1917, Mattoon : as- signed 18 Cavalry; trfd. 76 F.
A. June 10, 1917; promo- tions, Cook, Cpl., Sgt., Mess Sgt.; trained 12 mos;
sailed Apr. 23, 1918: 16 mos. overseas; active service Cham- pagne-Marne,
Aisne-Marne; in training at Gondrecourt Ares Madres, France ; St. Mihiel,
Meuse-Argonne, Army of Occupation; ret. with 3 Div. Dis. C. Grant, Aug. 31,
1919. One brother in service.
10. KINDEL, LAWRENCE Private Strasburg, Ill. Co. B, 118 Engrs.
Born Mar. 19, 1889, Clarksville; farmer; son Mr. and Mrs. Tipton Kindel,
Strasburg; assigned Co. H, 118 Kngrs. ; trained 3 mos.; sailed X. Y. Sept.
30, 1918, on Ulysses; two surgical operations in France; carried off a
wrecked transport on return home off Fire Island, Jan. 1. 1919: in hospital
in Brest with pneumonia. Dis. C. Grant, Mar. 29, 1919. One brother in
Page One Hundred Forty Eight
1. KING, ARTHUR EDWARD Acting Lieut. Shelbyville, Ill. Co. G, C. I. O., T.
Born Feb. 6, 1887, Shelbyville; salesman; enl. May 24, 1918; sent Teff.
liks., Mo.; assigned Co. E, 37 Inf., C. Mclntosh ; attended C. I. (). T. C.
at C. McArtlnir, Waco, Tex. ; trained 6 mos. Dis. C. Me. \rthur, Oct. 28,
2. KINGSTON, RAY Private Shelbyville, Ill. Hq. Co., 119 Infantry, 30 Div.
School teacher; enl. Feb. 22, 1918, Shelbyville; sent C. Taylor, Ky. ; one
month later sent C. Sevier, S. C., and assigned Hq. Co., 119 Inf., 30 Div.,
as buzzer phone oper- ator; sailed Hoboken May 11; landed Liverpool;
brigaded with British 2nd .Army Corps May 30, for signal training, support N
pres sector, June, 1918; fought at Vpres, Yoor- mezeele. Bellicourt, broke
Ilindenburg line Sept. 29, Mazincourt, Busigny, St. Souplet, Mazingham,
Ribeville ; wounded shrapnel, Sept. 29, gassed ; had 24 days' leave in
Itritish Isles. His. April 13, 1919, Camp Grant.
Moueaqtia, Ill. Co. E, 393 Engrs., 78 Uiv.
Son Mrs. Elmer Kinney. Moweaqua; enl. July 29, 1918. Storm Lake, la. ; Co.
E, 303 Engrs., 78 Div., C. Forrest. Ga. ; sailed Oct. 28. Dis. June 13,
1919, C. Dodge, la. Two brothers in service.
Sergeant Batt. I!, 12 F. A., 2 Div.
3. KINNEY, WALTER Moweaqua, Ill.
Son Mrs. Elmer Kinney, Moweaqua; enl. Aug. 18, 1916, Batt. B. 12 F. A., 2
Div., Laredo, Tex.; trf. Ft. Meyers, Ya. : trf. Camp Travis, Tex.; sailed
Jan. 16, 1918: under fire 4 mos. ; gassed ; active service, Verdun, Ton!,
Troyon, Chateau Thierry, Soissons, Marne, Marbache, St. Mihiel. Champagne,
Meuse-Argonne, Mt. Blanc, Army of Occupa- tion. Two brothers in service.
4. KINNEY, WM. Wagoner Moweaqua, Ill. Co. C., 52 Amm. Train, C. A. C.
Enl. Decatur, Ill., Dec. 1, 1917; assigned Co. C, 522 Amm. Train, C. A. C. ;
sent Ft. McArthur, Los Angeles Coast Defense: sailed May 26, 1918; was under
fire 84 hours; 8 mos. overseas ; on Meuse-Argonne 3 mos. Dis. C. Dodge, la.,
Feb. 16, 1919. Two brothers in service.
5. KIRCHER, CHRIS M. Private Strasburg, Ill. 45 Co. 160 I). B.
Born June 7, 1893, Strasburg; farmer; son Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Kircher,
Strasburg; married Louise Loeding, Apr. 22, 1919: enl. Sept. 5, Shelbyville;
assigned 4 Recruit Sqdn.. Air Service, Ft. Wayne; trained 4'/' mos. Dis.
Jan. 23. 1919, Detroit.
6. KIRCHER. GWEX Private Windsor. Ill. Co. 82, U. S. Marines
Enl. Jan. 5, 1918, St. Louis; landed in France May 6, 1918; wounded by
shrapnel and machine gun July 19, 1918; in service 15 mos.; in France 10
mos. Dis. March 19, Ouantico, Ya.
7. KLAUSER, ARTHUR RUFF Corporal Shelbyville, Ill. Co. I, 23 Engineers
Born Sept. 22, 1897, Shelbyville; clerical work; son Gus Klauser; enl. Xov.
28, 1917, Columbus Bar, Ohio; as- signed Co. I, Engrs 1st Army; trained 3
mos.; sailed Hoboken. Mar. 3, 1918; made Cpl. in France; at front 3 mos.:
active service, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; outfit cited by Chief Engr.
during Meuse-Argonne, and St. Mi- hiel Off. Dis. C. Grant, June 18, 1919.
KLAUSER, CHAS. C. Sergeant
Shelbyville, Ill. 45 Co. 12 Bn. 160 I). B.
Shelbyville, Ill. Infantry U. S. Army.
Son G. Klauser, Shelbyville; wife. Carrie Ernst;
10. KLEIMEIER, ERW'IX J. Yeo. 2 C.
Strasburg, Ill. U. S. Navy.
Enl. Peoria, May 31, 1918, in navy; in service U. S. S. Peoria and U. S. N.
T. S. Great Lakes. Dis. Sept. 9, 1919, X. T. S. Great Lakes.
Page One Hundred Fort\-Nine
1. KXELLER, GEORGE Private Shelbyville, Ill. Bradley Polytechnic Inst.
Enl. Shelbyville, Sept. 13, '1918; sent C. Bradley for training. Dis. a few
weeks after armistice was signed.
2. KOESTER, WM. J. II. Private Sigel, Ill. 45 Co. 160 D. I'..
Enl. Sept. 5, 1918, Shelbyville; assigned 45 Co., C. Cas- ter, Mich.;
trained ZYi mos. Dis. C. Grant, Dec. 26, 1918.
3. KRIEBU-:, GUY E. Corporal Stewardson, Ill. Hd<|. Co. 308 F. A., 78 Div.
Born Sept. 18, 1891, Lovington ; telegraph operator; son Xoah Krieble.
Stewardson; enl. Apr. 30, 1918. Shelby- ville; assigned Ildq. Co. 308 F. A.,
78 Div., C. Dix X. J.; made Cpl. in Fr. ; sailed Hoboken, May 26, 1918, on
Cedric : trained C'. Meucon; under fire 2 mos.; active service Toul sector.
St. Mihiel, Suppe to Moselle, Meuse- Areonne, Grand Pre ; gassed. Dis. C.
Grant, May 27, 1919.
Stewardson, Ill. Headquarters Co. 37 Inf.
Born April 22, 1890, Stewardson; brakeman : son Mr. and Mrs. August Kruger,
Stewardson; inducted May 23, 1918, Shelbyville; sent Jefferson Barracks;
trfd. Ft. Mclntosh; trained 15 mo. Dis. Aug. 26, 1919, Ft. Mclntosh; two
brothers in service.
4. KRUGER, WILLIAM F. Mechanic Stewardson, Ill. Co. K, 19th Infantry
Born Aug. 6, 1892, Stewardson; farmer; son Mr. and Mrs. August Kruger,
Stewardson; enl. Mattoon. May 23, 1917; assigned Jefferson Bks., Mo.; trfd.
Ft. Sam Hous- ton; trained 12 mos. Dis. C. Grant, Jan. 31, 1919; served K
mos. on Mexican border; under fire several times at Ei Paso ; two brothers
in service.
5. KULL, ARTHUR F. Sergeant Shelbyville, Ill. Motor Transport Corps
Born Aug. 5, 1892, Shelbyville; merchant; son Jacob Kull, Shelbyville; enl.
June 27, 1918, HIllsboro ; assigned 159 I). B.. C. Taylor, Ky. ; promoted
Sgt. Dec. 6. 1918; trfd. Army Reserve Depot, Xew Cumberland. Pa. Dis. May 1,
1919, at Xew Cumberland, Pa.; two brothers in service.
6. KULL, CARL A. Shelbyville, Ill.
23 Kngrs. Wagon Co. 4
Morn Sept. 12, 1896, Shelbyville: student; son Tacob Kull, Shelbyville; enl.
Nov. 17, 1917, Chicago; assigned 23 Engrs., Wagon Co. Xo. 4 ; made Cpl. in
Fr. ; trained 7 mos.; sailed Iloboken, March 30, 1918; under lire 15 days;
active service Argonne, St. Mihiel; road building work. Dis. C. Grant, June
27, 1919; two brothers in service.
KULL. EMU. Strasburg, Ill.
In service overseas ; returned to U. S. and assigned to Camp Upton. X. Y.,
where he was discharged in spring of 1919.
7. KULL, PAUL II. Mess Sergeant Shelbyville, Ill. Co. II, 130 Inf., 33 Div.
Born Aug. 1, 1894, Shelbyville; metal polisher; son Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kull,
Shelbyville; enl. May 21, 1917, Shelbyville; in Co. H, 130 Inf., 33 Div. ;'
trained C. .Logan, Tex.; sailed Iloboken, May 16, 1918, on Agamem- non; went
to front July, 1918: active service Meuse-Ar- gonne, Albert front. Dis. C.
Grant, May 31, 1919; two brothers in service.
8. KULL, ROY 1st Sgt. Shelbyville, Ill. Co. H, 130 Inf.. 33 Div.
Born Feb. 22, 1894, Shelbyville; farmer; son John Kull. Shelbyville: enl.
May 22, 1917, Shelbyville, in Co. II. 130 Inf., 33 Div.; promoted C'pl. at
Shelbyville: Sgt. at C. Logan, Tex.; 1st Sgt. at Argonne; attended 3rd O. T.
C. ; trained 13 mos.; active service Meuse- Argonne, Albert. Dis. Apr. 30,
1918, at St. Aignan , 'lid Y. M. C. A. work in Paris and I.e Mans. Dis. July
26, 1919, Paris, France.
9. KULL, GEORGE E. Private Strasburg, Ill. Motor Trans. Corps.
Morn Oct. 16, 1896, Strasburg; bookkeeper: son J. J. Kull. Strasburg; enl.
May 30, 1918, Detroit; assigned Motor Transport Corps, Columbus, Ohio; trfd.
C. Johns- ton; trained 3 mos.; sailed Xewport Xews, Aug. 3'), 191H. on
Caserta ; M. T. work with Hq. at Bordeaux. Dis. Camp Sherman, July, 1919.
10. KUHL, JOHN CARY Corporal Windsor, "Ill. Ilq. Co., 10 Inf., 14 Div.
Enl. May 29, 1918, Shelbyville; sent Ft. Thomas, Ga. ; trfd. Ft. Benj.
Harrison, 10 Inf.; promoted Cpl. Dis. C. Custer. May 6, 1919.